Thursday, 5 May 2016

the history of the Wheels.

In  the world of design, the wheel was an important invention.
The first wheel was invented by the Sumerians in 3200bc.
The wheel transformed mankind. We get pass many things that has wheels in them and we don't realise.


A wheel is any circular object regardless of its width that roles and it might have an axial that direct the power at the pivot.
But sometimes and axial is not a necessary component of a wheel. For example, a ball bearing goes around and makes a circular motion but it doesn't rely on the axial.

Wheel and axial is one of the six basic machines that people made products with. Every mechanical device has these basic components like
  •        The lever 
  •          The inclined plane
  •          The pulley
  •          The wedge
  •          The screw.

For example a pizza cutter. There is the wheel that it has the axial in the centre. The wheel's edge is the wedge  and the handles are level using a lever. The pizza cutter was invented in the 20th century by David S. Morgan of Asheville, North Carolina. The first invention of the pizza cutter was mezzaluna (half moon) by Silvio Pacitti in 1708.This consist of  a large rounded blade that its pivot had a rolled, downwards motion that slices the pizza by pressure.  But this was  When the circular pizza cutter was invented it was much more commutable to cut the pizza with a circular blade.

In the old days, people used logs to travel things with them. when time passes Wheels took place. The wheels gained mechanical advantages because it reduced friction unlike a flat wide surface such as a log.It was invented were used to transport heavyweight.

The Ancient a long time ago invent the grinding stone,
 Which grinned large quantities of grain. It was much faster
 than with a mortar and pestle.

There's the potter's wheel is used to make clay pots. It has been invented during the bronze age. It was refined by the Egyptian 5000 years ago. With the wheel, they were creating great pottery designs and in less time. A flywheel is a wheel without weight . the flywheel had a wide range of pottery wheel

The new invention of the pottery wheel is with electric. This is less effort to use. This machine wheel works faster. There is a foot paddle near the foot to control its speed. the Electric wheels also have its kick wheel smaller than the other.

In additional from the pottery wheel and the grinding stone, was the transport wheel. This was created by a narrow carved wheel that could be connected by an axial.  An axial is found in the centre of a wheel this helps the wheel to rotate faster.


By an image, there is an evidence that the people who invented the archaeological wheel vehicles, chariots pulled by oxen are the Sumerians. It was early 3000 Bc

The wheel continues developing inroads. It made travailing easy and in a low coast. Transportation moved some cultures to other places.

Before long wheel devices were transportation were available to farmers tilling the soil, traders transportation goods, and armies transportation soldiers.

In the industrial revolution in 1807, the designer Robert Fulton used steam power to introduce the first steamboat.  At first, the ship was high in priced to build and operate than sailing vessels, but this type of ship had some advantages. it has its own power and it was faster in storms

In the 1814 Stephenson used the steam engine technique to invent a steam-powered train. Britain supported the building of railroads in many countries such as europ. Railroads have become the ability that British export 

 During the late middle ages. An important invention was done to the ships. This was the steering wheel to direct the ship. before staring wheels they controlled by tillers, to turn, so the idea appealed to the car's creators.  In 1894 however, Tillers were becoming less effective.

Car inventor were replacing the tillers ship-inspired helms. It was simple and smaller. The first  steering wheels in a car that was shown during the Paris-Rouen race, the Panhard model driven by Alfred Vacheron. 

Now a car or a boat without a staring wheel it's nothing. The shape of the staring wheel never changes but, Some changes were made to make it for ergonomic like example power staring.

A windmill which arrived in Europe around the 12 century.
The job of a windmill is to capture the wind by those large blazes. These large blades are covered with a cloth and all together they are connected to a hub that this is attached  to an axial that its lead to gears.
The windmill center wheeled rollers help to control the direction of the winds.

Windmill evolve by time. It started from the Traditional Dutch windmill continued to windmills of American places. This was first to pump water for consumption by people and domestic animals. In 1854 was the first American windmill that was build Daniel Halladay. And last are the big turbines that generate electricity on wind farms. The first windmill was created by James Blyth and it was built in 1887 in Scotland.
The amazement about this design is that it generates energy from nature.


Machines that was popular in the industrial revolution. 
The first product to experience the "revolution" was the industrial of cotton. In the time of the industrial revolution in 1764, James Hargreaves designed the "spinning jenny," This machine was good for production because the spinning jenny with one person it can spin many threads at once. By spinning one turn of the wheel the machine spins eight threads at once.

 Richard Arkwright also invented the machine to produce yarn more efficient this invention was called "water frame" in 1764. Th difference from The "Spinning-Frame is that it was too big to manage by hands. By many experimentations, he decided to invent a the machine that works with the power of a water wheel, and this was known as the water frame. This machine produced yarn, with the right thickness and it helps fiber to twist together. This was the machine that produced strong threads.

 This invention was a combination between the spinning jenny and the water frame . In 1779, Samuel Crompton invented a machine called "Crompton's mule," This helped to produced s much strong yarn.
When this machine has been invented the thread had effectively become industrialized. the cost of making cotton threads in 1812 had lower by nine-tenths and the number of people working to change wool into yarn had been decreased by four-fifths .


Cine, 2015. History of The Wheel - Cine. [video online] Available at: <> [Accessed Nov 15, 2015].


History of the Steering Whee. [online] Available at: <> [Accessed 5TH MAY 2010].

Serious eat, 2016. Scott's Pizza Chronicles: A Brief History of the Pizza Slicer. Serois eats. Available from: [Aug 28, 2012].

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